Bookworms. I don't even like the word. Still, it applies to me - I have been one as far back as I can remember and I cannot imagine life otherwise. The truth is that very few things match the pleasure of a good book and the joys, the knowledge it gives you. Don't tell me you don't have time to read. Don't tell me book lovers hide in books and forget to live; comfortable with second-hand experiences. Book lovers live a thousand lives, they write a thousand books, they travel in time and space. Book lovers are scary. They know so much, they have seen the depths of human souls, they have seen the light and touched the darkness, they have an understanding of things other people will never have.

"A good book should leave you slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading it."
William Styron

Sunday 12 May 2013

The storyteller

Based on the short story The storyteller by Saki the students created a flipbook using Flipsnack where they simplified the text and illustrated it using images from Storybird. They also created a poem in Glogster using words and expressions from the original story. Using Wordle the students created a wordcloud with the most important words in the story.

Watch a video of the flipbook. (The next step will be adding voice to the video.)


Com base no conto The storyteller de Saki os alunos criaram um flipbook em Flipsnack onde trabalharam o texto simplificando-o e ilustrando-o com imagens recolhidas no Storybird. De seguida, utilizando excertos do texto original, criaram um poema que publicaram no Glogster. Finalmente, elaboraram uma nuvem de palavras no Wordle.

Como a publicação do flipbook acarretaria custos, foi feita uma captura de ecrã utilizando o ActiveInspire. No Moviemaker criou-se um pequeno filme com a canção Babies dos Pulp como banda sonora. O próximo passo será gravar e acrescentar ao filme a narração da história.

Vê o vídeo

Poster / Poema


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